Jun 7, 2013


So here I am in Paris.  It's 1 AM and I can't sleep because of the jet lag.  Who am I kidding?  I can't sleep because less than 72 hours ago I broke up with my boyfriend of five years. My whole chest hurts.
This trip had been planned for months. I thought that it would do me some good to get away from my life but now lying in bed in this beautiful Parisian hotel, I wonder what the hell I am doing here.  Travelling has always brought me so much joy but now I feel like I am trying to turn a funeral into a party.  It feels very awkward.

After travelling for several hours and getting lost in the Charles-de-Gaule airport, I sat in a café and I tried to enjoy the first real meal I had in hours.  I noticed a young French couple sited next to me. They were stylish, beautiful and - horror of horrors - in love! I didn't know if I felt like smashing their beautiful faces together or cry and feel sorry for myself.  I opted for option #2 because I already had enough problems. So there I was, alone in Paris, and nobody was waiting for me at home.
- Marie

N.B. For those of you who were worrying about me, I woke up the next day and I felt better.  It is amazing what a good night of sleep and a breakfast will do to you. As soon as I started visiting beautiful Paris, I forgot about my troubles. Paris is the perfect cure for a broken heart!



  1. i hope you enjoyed Paris at least

    1. I did, thank you! The following day, I started visiting and everything wnet back to normal. I will write about it soon.


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